Sunday, May 8, 2011

What's the use? - Presentations & Pedagogy

Why use presentations as part of a critical tool to facilitate learning?

Here's 5 ways that I feel presentation software is great for the classroom & how I'd use it effectively:
  • Giving instructions:  Let's say I wanted to give explicit directions to students not just verbally, but also visually.  I could use a ppt., for example, to list directions in sequence for visual learners. (This means greater effectiveness of students following directions, as well - YAY!)
  • Presentation software can add life to a boring lesson.  Some things about learning content just isn't entertaining - and it isn't always meant to be.  However, using software can liven up any lesson and help engage students
  • You can add pictures, sounds, effects, colors, links, etc.  You can also time presentations to help keep a lesson or a transition timely.
  • With the appropriate planning and tools, perhaps students can add their own ideas independently.  Using a blog like this one is a great example of how students can contribute to their learning differently, and learn essential technology skills, as well.
  • It is efficient.  Presentation software is an awesome tool to help professionals organize and personalize data and information.  For those of us who aren't very creative, or who need structure in presentations, it is a useful tool to help add structure, consistency, and organization!
......So Use It!!!

Play the presentation below to get more ideas on 2.0 applications that I feel are useful for educators.  Enjoy!

Click below to view my voicethread and presentation on TPACK